Because it is January 1, I thought I'd ring in the new year by mentioning a few of the amazing new books that I'm looking forward to getting my hands on in the months ahead. Not mentioned, of course, are all the books I don't know that I'm going to fall in love with yet. I especially can't wait for those.

- In February, there's a new Andrew Taylor novel, The Scent of Death. It's Andrew Taylor. It's historical murder. What else do I even need to say?
- In March there's a new Fred Vargas, The Ghost Riders of Ordebec. I am DANCING IN MY SEAT about this one. I am so excited. Her books are creepy and quirky and totally charming. And weird. Her last crime novel was about real vampires, for heavens' sake.
- In May the second in Stephen Gallagher's (that link is to his Q&A for Litro, he's great) series about Detective Sebastian Becker, The Bedlam Detective, comes out in the UK. I read the first one for The Bookbag (again) and loved it, so I can't wait for the next installment. I want it now.
- In June there's (finally!) a new Neil Gaiman novel, The Ocean at the End of the Lane. I saw Gaiman speak last year, and he signed my copy of Stardust and I said thanks and cried a little bit out of sheer love. Basically, whatever this is about, I will read it.
I must be missing loads. What else is coming up? Please chip in.
And now, for something a bit more personal: my own literary resolutions for the year ahead. This year, I will achieve! Probably. Unless I don't. We shall see. Anyway...
- I will finish the book I am writing, edit it, edit it again and begin to query it. I will be rejected, and emerge refreshed.
- I will continue querying my crime novel like grim death until I get an agent for it.
- I will get at least 25% of the 1001 Books list read before the year is out. (I am currently at 20.78%, so this has to be achievable. It has to be.)
- I will not be a snob about the literary merit of any book unless I have actually read at least a part of it.
- I will write, something, every day. I will try to write fiction every day, but reviews also count.
- I will actually plan my books before I write them.
- When a scene gets boring, I will listen to Raymond Chandler and send a person bursting through the door with a gun. Indeed, I will remember that when I am bored by a scene my readers will be too.
- I will remember that I am not under a contractual obligation to put a dog into everything I write.
- Along the same lines, I will at least try to write something that does not in any way feature a murder. That said, when I do feature death...
- I shall not murder any prostitutes in anything I write. Those poor ladies of the night! What easy victims they make. But enough already. I will only kill rich people, preferably men.
- I will write more short stories. They are good for me and good to do.
- Sort of continuing on from that, I will enter more (also known as: any) literary competitions. Because it is no good writing things if I don't let anyone else see them.
- I will get a pet lion. No, wait. That one was a joke. I hear those things are expensive.
So, onwards! To 2013 proper. We can do this.
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